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Caldwell * Snook * Somerville

Caldwell * Snook * Somerville

All Star Selection Process

Teams. Burleson County will roster District and International teams. District teams will participate at the district level and are not eligible for advancement. International teams are eligible for advancement. 

District teams consist of a seven-year-old, eight-year-old and a seven and eight-year-old team in the machine pitch division. The minors’ division will have the option of rostering a nine-year-old team. The juniors’ division will have the option to roster a thirteen-year-old team. International team options are a nine and ten-year-old team, a ten and eleven-year-old team, an eleven and twelve-year-old team and a thirteen and fourteen-year-old team. Teams will consist of a minimum of ten (10) players and a maximum of thirteen (13). If ten (10) players are not available to roster a team, then the team may take nine (9) players.

Player Selection. Prior the season end, managers will submit a list of players nominated by a manager in that division to be considered for All-Stars. This list must be submitted in writing and turned into the Vice President. The Vice President is responsible for verifying the league age and submitting the names to the President. Interested players in the machine pitch division will participate in tryouts. In the event there are not enough interested players to roster a team in an age division the managers will be asked to consult with their parents to determine if there are additional interested players.

Machine Pitch. Interested machine pitch players will participate in a tryout followed by a draft. The tryout results will be used as documentation to support the draft. Tryouts will be conducted by a designated Board of Director member. All players will participate in all components in the tryouts. During the tryouts, League Managers and Coaches are encouraged to assist.  The player performance will be recorded on tryout sheets. At the conclusion of tryouts, player performance will be tabulated by the President. The tryout sheets are confidential and will not be shared with managers outside the draft.

At the conclusion of tryouts, managers and BOD will meet to select the All-Star teams. The meeting and the discussion are CONFIDENTIAL. All comments, tryout information, discussion of players, team selections, etc. should remain CONFIDENTIAL. 

Minor/Major. Prior to the meeting to draft minor/major All-Star teams, the season managers will submit in writing committed players who are interested in participating in All-Stars. Prior to the meeting the President and VPs will discuss the interested players and decide what will be the strongest and most competitive teams to roster. (i.e. 9, 9/10, 10/11 or 11/12-year-old team) 

All comments, player stats and information communicated in the All-Star draft meetings are CONFIDENTIAL. The information discussed is not to be shared with other coaches, parents or community members.

At the conclusion of the draft, the President will notify all players that were interested in All-Stars of their placement on a team or as alternate within 7 days. 



Burleson County Little League

Email: [email protected]

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